EMail Services Application
Email Only

Fill out the information below so we can get the account started for you.  Once completed you will be sent to a confirmation page that will give you the necessary information to set up your Email account.  This form requires a return Email address to send the necessary log on information to you.  If you do not have a current Email address, you can fill out this form and give us a call, our telephone hours are posted on our contact page at .

Accounts used for any illegal purpose, or the spreading of unsolicited Email, will be prosecuted under Washington State laws and any applicable local law. 

Some required user information, items titled in red are required

Your First Name:

Your Last Name:

Your Street Address: Apt or Unit #:

City: State: Zip Code:

Home Phone: Work Phone:

Security Information

Validation - To make changes to your account, we ask for a simple question that has a  one word answer that can be used to verify you as the owner of the account.  Use the drop down menu below to select one of the more popular questions and fill in the answer in the space provided.  Or select "other" in the drop down menu and use the open text box to add your own question.  Please make is short and simple.

If you chose "other" enter the question below:
Use this field only if you are not using one of the default questions above

Answer to the question:

If you chose Email Only or Email with Usenet, here is where you enter your Email accounts

Email Accounts

Each account comes with 5 Email accounts.  The primary Email account has to be established now,  This account is used to send the monthly Email billing, we do not send bills via U.S. Mail.  This must be an account that is checked regularly to make sure you receive your billing so your account won't be inadvertently shut off for lack of payment.  If you have an existing Email account on another server (Hotmail, Yahoo) that you prefer to use, put that information in the "Forward to" box below the primary information.   All mail to that primary email account will be forwarded to the other account. Email names must be 3 characters or more.

Primary Email Name:
Forward To:

Second Email Name:

Third Email Name:

Fourth Email Name:

Fifth Email Name:

In order to process your request and return the information to you, we need your current Email address. If you don't have a current Email, put "none" in the box.  Please enter it below:

Your current Email address:

Payment Information:

Unless requested otherwise, payment is made via Email billing to the primary Email address you listed above. Payment by Credit/Debit card is the preferred method for starting an account, then payment by check is allowed from that point. Accounts started with a check require payment be received before account activation.

1 Month $4.50 3 Months $13.00 1 Year $51.00

Payment by Check - Mail to:

Kendra Communications
PO Box 235
Lake Stevens, WA 98258-0235

You will be notified by Email, if you have a current Email address, or by phone when the payment has been received and the account set up.

Payment by Credit/Debit Card (Card holder name must be the same as the Account name above): Note: a $0.75 transaction fee will be added to all credit/debit transactions.
    Enter the billing Address and Zip Code (your address and zip code where the bill for this credit card is sent) here:


Card Type:   Name on Card:

Card Number: (in xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx format)

Card Expiraton Date:

CVC2/CVV2 Number: Whats This?

YesNoAutoPay - Please automatically bill my credit/debit card in the billing cycle I chose. Note: a $0.75 transaction fee will be added to all credit/debit transactions.

Pressing the submit button will process the information and send you to the confirmation screen.  The confirmation screen will give you instructions on how to set up your Email program to retrieve your Email.

By submitting this application, I certify that there are no false statements entered and that any credit card payment information submitted is done with the card holders full authorization.  I further certify that I am 18 years of age or older or have my Parent/Guardians permission to submit this application.

I also agree to abide by the Kendra Communications Acceptable Use Policy